Copyright ⓒ PARTY-001 All rights reseved. PARTY-001 is a dynamic art collective that constantly pushes the boundaries of innovation. [ INSTAGRAM ] [ YOUTUBE ]
PARTY-001(PARTY-ONE)은 혁신의 경계를 넓혀가는 역동적인 디지털 예술 집단으로 시각예술, 음악, 패션, 디자인 등 다양한 분야의 멤버들과 협력하며 새로운 형태의 예술과 기술 융합을 모색합니다. 우리는 탁월하고 전례 없는 프로젝트를 창조하며 한계를 뛰어넘기 위해 끊임없이 도전합니다.
PARTY-001 (PARTY-ONE) is a dynamic digital arts collective that is constantly pushing the boundaries of innovation. Working with members from a variety of disciplines, including visual arts, music, fashion, and design, we explore new forms of art and technology fusion. PARTY-001 artists constantly challenge themselves to push the envelope, creating exceptional and unprecedented projects.